LO2 - Content analysis of a similar product

Capital Breakfast show 

The genre of Capital breakfast show is to entertain as well as inform their target audience. This specific audio product informs an audience by telling their audience the latest news updates and what the weather i going to be like for the next following days. However, it also entertains their target audience of 17-25 year olds as the presenters in the podcast have a very informal and chatty tone, whilst they talk about things that their audience would be interested in. For example, Roman Kemp talks about the different songs which are played on the podcast. As it is capital, the songs which are played are the latest songs which are out and have hit the top 40 in the charts, therefore it is recent events which will interest a younger audience. I also know that the breakfast show is aimed at a younger audience as the presenter himself, Roman Kemp, is of a younger age, meaning he will come across more informal (he says in the podcast ‘let’s get this show on the road’) and talk to his audience as friends rather than a formal thing that he only likes doing for the money.


For Capital FM the jingle is fast paced in order to keep it engaging to its target audience by making it upbeat and inviting for it creates a happy, joyful atmosphere. Whereas, radio 4's jingle is a more slow and old fashioned therefore making it more inviting for their target audience of 40+ as it is something which they are familiar to, and a jingle which is clear to understand without it being over the top and not too much going on. Capital also use a voice over in their jingle of a young female. By doing this it gives a quick outburst of sound in order to intrigued the audience of young adults, therefore it shows who the breakfast show is focused at, as a younger female is more relatable to 17-25 year old than someone who is middle aged and hasn't got an engaging tone of voice. The voice over is also auto tuned giving it an almost a robot tone to the jingle. With using this sort of tuning it clearly shows who the target audience is as a robot sort of tone will appeal to a younger audience, without coming across too young for their preferred audience. In addition, the jingle also has shooting sounds throughout in the background, this shows the target audience of Capital that the breakfast show is thrilling and is unique and different compared to any other breakfast show which is available. This jingle is effective to their audience, because of the repetition of hearing the same sounds multiple times a day over the course of a few days, it will more than likely get stuck in their heads making the show more recognisable to their audience. 


The breakfast show for capital is has a similar structure to the show in every episode. At the start of the breakfast show it begins with a short minute intro of topics which will be spoken about in more detail later on into the show, followed by the jingle which is at the start of every show. By adding the jingle at the start of every show it gives the breakfast show a form of branding, which shows the audience it is part of the radio station, Capital. Then after the jingle is played it goes on to introduce the presenters of the show and then talks about the content which will be included throughout the show. In the breakfast show the content which is included is varied everyday depending on what presenters and other celebrity guests are available to be involved in the show. For example, HRVY was on the breakfast show taking part in a game show called 'mute and body callers'. This is a game in which the public gets involved by asking the celebrity personal questions such as, 'who is the last celebrity which you left on read' and then the celebrity can either choose to answer the question or not answer and then 'mute and boot' the caller. Another topic which is spoken about in the breakfast show is the most recent event of football, Euro's. This was about a 5 minute topic on the show about the different games which England have played, then Roman Kemp question a fellow presenter, Sian, on the most recent games, players and the scores, which made the show more relatable to their audience as it talks about the latests events in which the rest of the public speak about on a daily basis, as it is such a big event. Relating to the euros they also asked another celebrity, Harry Rednap's opinion on what he thinks of the Euros and what he predicts the score of the game with England and Scotland and gives his personal opinion in what he believes England should do into order to play to best they can. With Harry on the breakfast show they also involve him in a mini quiz of his knowledge of iconic football songs in which he needs to finish the lyrics, to get the question correct. Capital then end the breakfast show with the jingle which is at the start of the show, which inclines to their audience that the show is over and then one of the presenters will then inform the audience when the next show is being aired and gives clues into who is going to be in the next breakfast show and what topic to expect to be spoken about. 
