Lo1: Be able to create a proposal with sample materials for an original media product to a client brief

For this project I am going to create a audio product (breakfast radio show) for a local radio show. This will inform my people on the latest news and to advertise different companies throughout the show, whilst entertaining an audience. The genre of backing music playing will be classic pop music, which is well known to my target audience. By producing this campaign it will give the opportunity for well known or small businesses to advertise/promote their company to make people more aware of the business and hopefully will become more successful. Also, I am hoping to make my breakfast show more entertaining than already existing shows. By doing this more people are more likely to listen to it, which will then grow my audience, making my radio breakfast show more known over the U.K (this will grow my identity). 

My target audience will be mainstream and mainly aimed towards females, which will be listened when taking the children to school etc, but will also have a large male audience also of the ages 16-35 year olds. The psychographics of my radio show would be mainstreamers and aspires as these categories are aimed at younger people. The radio show is aimed towards a local community as it will inform people about things such as road closures etc. This means that I will be competing with other local radio stations such as BBC and Hallam FM. I will have to compete against a high number of 600 different radio stations, in the U.K. alone. 

To make my breakfast show entertaining and interesting to listen to the show will follow genre conventions of a morning radio show. Steve Neale (1995) suggests that genres are instances of repetition and difference. I am reinforcing genre conventions with my production techniques. For example the jingles i will use will ... carry a connote and have relatable jokes and stories played throughout to give the show a funny tone. The presenters in my breakfast show the presenters are going to use mode of adresss as ‘peer to peer’, this will make the breakfast show come across friendly and have an informal mode to it. I believe this is important to make my how successful as it will engage with my target audience, of younger adults, and make sure it is relatable to them. To make my breakfast show relatable to my target audience I will make sure the presenters of the show are of a younger age which will represent who my target audience is aimed at, whilst making my production relatable and entertaining to listen to. The presenters which will be following the script, which i have created, will not be following the script word for word, meaning they can add their own wording to make the show less formal and more entertaining for a younger audience. The colour scheme of the shows house styles will have a pink logo, with bits of blue. This will connote to my target audience that the show is aimed towards females but is still relatable for males. This product will be easily accessible through the podcast app on all Apple products and the same will go for android products, however the podcast app will need to be downloaded from the play store. For this radio station I am going to create my own jingle (10-15 seconds)which will play at the start and end of the episode. As well as, using some non copyright jingles to add in throughout the podcast (https://producer.musicradiocreative.com/free-sound-effects/) and a small part of a jingle will be played (about 3 seconds) in-between different subjects. Some of the jingles which i have got inspiration off is the capital and Hallam fm jingles. I chose these jingles as they are a simple sound and they also are recognisable to an audience as well as being catchy and you would be able to know what station that is playing just from the jingle. I will also create 2/3 adverts to add in to the show to promote some local businesses, such as Burros Moto Company and Chesterfield Poultry, to give my product a more professional feel to it. Other sound effects that will be used in my breakfast are going to be related to what is being said in the show, for example, when the script talks about something like Easter, a sound that is related to Easter will be played in the background. However, I will not have background sound throughout all my breakfast show as it will take the audiences attention away from what is being said in the show, but some will be featured around topics. The location which I will be recording in will be a local sound proof studio, this will mean that the sound quality will be professional and clear to hear, this will therefore be easier to listen to as well as giving it a professional feel to my audience. Stuart Hall (1995) suggests that through ideology (belief system/values) or by stereotyping - tires to fix the meaning of representation in a preferred meaning. This relates to my breakfast show as the presenters may come across biased and have different viewpoints about a certain topic which is being spoken about in the podcast.

The job roles I will need to create this radio station will be sound editor, presenter, director, promotions manager, script writer, production team, copywriter, music director, producer. 

Equipment which I will use to create a radio station: transmitter, microphone, headset, computer, editing software (Adobe Premiere), speaker, receiver, antenna, audio playback, audio playback component. My audio product will be edited on adobe audition or adobe premier. 

The distribution and marketing methods which I’ll use is through the above the line method. I will advertise this on things such as bus wrapping, leaflets, billboards and different adverts e.g. radio or tv adverts. By distributing my media on things such as on bus wrapping and billboards, it means that it will be advertised in busy towns and cities as well as being shown majority of the day and is unavoidable and will always be visible to any audience. With using a leaflet this is pleasing to the eye of the audience and easy to understand as well as being cost effective and can be easily changed if needed. I chose to distribute my breakfast show through adverts on the TV and radio as it will reach a wider audience and grab more peoples attention as it is also unavoidable in most cases. Some more places where i could distribute my product will be the car DAB, social media and also by using an app just for my breakfast show. By using social media this would be a below the line method, as it is more personal and not everyone will view this unless they go looking across pages to find it. The social media pages which i can promote across will Be pages i set up which will include behind the scenes content about the production of the breakfast show. The social media’s which i will use include instagram, facebook, twitter. Also, the presenters of my product are also allowed to promote and tag the social media pages across their personal social medi platforms, which overall will give a mass audience. Furthermore i could also broadcast my podcast on YouTube, this allows my audicne to easily access the product as well as saving the video, sharing it with friends as well as liking and subscribing to the YouTube channel which the breakfast show will be broadcasted on.To promote my radio station i am going to use synergy. This means that i will be using cross media advertising to make my breakfast show more recognisable to my primary audience. To do this i will make sure when my audio is playing there will be a poster of the breakfast show on screen whilst my audience is listening to it. I got this idea from the capital breakfast show, I believe they do this to make their audience aware of what capital as a brand look like and to sow their audience the different way they try to promote themselves.
